Milky Way Band Across the Sky?

I am sorry if this was addressed somewhere else, but I did not find anything upon searching...

I am wondering how to get the milky band back through the sky in 2.0? When teaching constellations we use that as a "landmark" and with the 2.0 sky it seems to be lacking. I tried adjusting the star catalog properties, but that didn't fix it. Thank you!


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You can adjust this as long as you have your all sky survey's loaded, which by default they are.

There are two different versions of the All Sky Milky way. Both are located in the Library under Milky Way/All-Sky Surveys one is Visible and one is ESO Milky Way Giga Pan.

Personally I like to use the ESO but it is totally personal preference. Just make sure to only have one or the other on. What you want to do next is to change the Alpha of the all-sky. This can be done by highlighting the object with a left mouse button click on the text then at the bottom of the library click on the Properties window.

From there, on the Property Slider dropdown menu, select "alpha" and either use the slider or enter a numeral from 0-1.